About Us

St Mary de Haura is the focal point of Shoreham – the jewel in Shoreham’s crown. It has stood standing at the heart of the town for over 900 years.

But it’s more than simply a building. St Mary’s is a living community of people from all walks of life, gathering for worship and activities throughout the week. There is a space and place for everyone at St Mary’s. We hope that you will feel welcome.

Our Church

Shoreham Church, South Vista, blue sky, green grass.

At its heart, St Mary de Haura is a vibrant community of faith – a community of worshippers and visitors who gather to worship, pray and enjoy the silence and peace of the building.

We are an Anglican church, part of the Church of England and the Diocese of Chichester. In our worship we aim to reflect the best of our Anglican tradition, blending beauty and dignity with a warm welcome and a generous, inclusive ethos. The Eucharist – the celebration of Holy Communion – is the heartbeat of our life together. 

We are also a parish church, serving the central area of Shoreham, and are open every day for tourists and visitors. Our parish is twinned with the adjacent parish of the Church of the Good Shepherd, Shoreham Beach. Working together, we seek to offer an active and varied ministry to the whole town and beyond. 

Our Parish

Apart from a small area of land on the west of the River Adur, near Shoreham Airport, our parish covers most of the central area of Shoreham, from Ropetackle in the west to Shoreham Harbour in the east, and from Upper Shoreham Road down to the riverfront. It is an enormously varied and interesting parish, encompassing residential, retail and industrial developments as well as the historic conservation area at the heart of the town.

We are committed to serving the whole of our parish and value our strong links with local businesses, voluntary and civic organisations and the wider community. If you live or work in Shoreham and don’t yet have a partnership with us, be in touch! Our Vicar would love to meet with you and explore how we can work together for the benefit of our town.

Residents of the parish are also welcome to mark major life events with us. You can find out whether you live in our parish using the Church of England’s ‘A Church Near You’ tool: www.achurchnearyou.com

Who’s Who



Lay Reader:Dr Jonathan Smith
Associate Clergy:Revd Paul Rampton, Revd Peter Wolfenden, Revd Liz Rathbone
Churchwardens:Ms Sue Clay and Mr Edward Downes
Parish Administrator:Louise Smith – smdh.office@gmail.com – 01273 440202
Director of Music:Stuart Hutchinson – organist@stmarydehaura.org.uk
Children & Families Worker:Sarah Sayers – smdh.childrenandfamilies@gmail.com

See what’s happening at the Church

Shoreham Riverscape