St Mary de Haura Bell Ringers
St Mary’s has a ring of 8 bells in the key of F ranging in weight from 4 cwt (200 kg) to 14 cwt (700 kg).

In 1896, the old bells dating from 1767 were melted down and recast, with the exception of the present 7th bell, to make a ring of six bells, and a further two bells were added in the following year. In 1983 the bells were re-tuned and re-hung by the Whitechapel Bell Foundry, which has been in existence for over 400 years and has dealt with the casting of the 1767 ring and all work on the bells since that date.
There is an enthusiastic band of ringers at St Mary’s who ring for the main service each Sunday from 09.30 to 10.00 am. A practice night is held each Tuesday between 7.30 and 9.00 pm. They also ring for weddings and other special occasions. Ringers from other churches are always welcome to come and join us. We are also pleased to receive visits by prior arrangement from non-ringers, who wish to come and watch.
There are approximately 5,600 towers with bells hung for full circle ringing in the UK and around 40,000 ringers. However, there is always a need for new recruits to what is a fascinating and sociable pastime, and the St Mary’s ringers are always on the lookout for new members to join the band.
Bell Ringing uses number notation, so it is not necessary to have any musical knowledge, although a sense of rhythm and a good memory can be helpful. The first stage for a beginner is to learn how to handle a tower bell safely which is taught on a one to one basis. Once the basics have been mastered, ringing becomes a group activity with the opportunity of visiting other towers and making new friends. Ringers are invited to join the Sussex County Association of Change Ringers, which is affiliated to the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers, who also organise a number of ringing and non-ringing social events. There is also a national weekly journal for ringers called The Ringing World.
For more details, please contact:
Cynthia Costelloe, Secretary
Telephone: 01273 101552
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